Our research group is split across two sites, the University of Cambridge and the
Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore (CARES Ltd).
Group members are involved in SynTech CDT and iDMT.
Professor Alexei Lapkin
Centre Management | Visiting Scientists | Post-docs | PhD Students

Dr Jiyizhe Zhang, Senior Research Associate, iDMT Lead Scientist
PhD Tsinghua ​
Process Modelling & Simulation; Digital Twins

Dr Sebastian Soritz
PhD Graz University of Technology
Employee of Astex Pharmaceuticals
Machine learning in chemical development

Dr Nicholas Jose
PhD University of Cambridge
Conti synthesis of nanoparticles

Dr Michele Assante
PhD Liverpool John Moores University
Employee of AstraZeneca
Machine learning in chemical development

Dr Zhimian Hao
PhD Cambridge; Tianjin University (BSc); TU Delft (MSc) ​
Process Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation

Dr Shuyuan ZHANG
PhD Tsinghua University​
OptiMed Project

Dr Mikhail Kovalev
PhD Boreskov Institute of Catalysis
Based @ CARES Ltd
Materials and catalysis

Dr Dogancan Karan
Based @ CARES Ltd
Process Development; Flow Chemistry

Michael Zhou
Imperial College London
ML for reaction development

Devi Sietaram
MPhil Cambridge​
ML in the manufacture of large molecule therapeutics

Adarsh Arun
National University Singapore;
MPhil Cambridge​
Networks in Chemistry

Sabine Hallamasek
MEng Cambridge
Sustainability; Life Cycle Assessment

Kevin Ballu
BSc in Chemistry, Université de Bordeaux, MSc in Food Sciences, Université de Rennes and Université de Nantes, MSc in Material Chemistry specialising in soft matter, Université de Bordeaux
Formation of crystalline nanocellulose

Nathan Harmer
Durham University​
ML for catalysts design

Zheng Jie Lieu
National University of Singapore
ML for Polymer Development

Anna Katsarou
University of Patras;
Imperial College London​
ML for Process Synthesis
Julia Stachyra
University of Cambridge (MPhil)
Data science for sustainable chemistry